Feedback sought for draft Annual Plan
The Draft Annual Plan Consultation Document and proposed fees and charges for 2023/24 are open for community feedback.
The proposed annual plan signals a rates increase of 5.14%. This is above Council’s self-imposed 4% annual limit in the 2021/31 Financial Strategy and highlights the economic pressures and significant changes since the development of the strategy.
The Annual Plan 2023/24 provides an update to the second year of the Long Term Plan 2021/31 with updated draft budgets.
Council is also seeking feedback to some proposed fees increases to some of its services, from 1 July 2023 including:
• A general 20% increase to most wheelie bin and landfill charges to meet new operating costs as a result of costs to buy required Carbon Credits.
• A new clean fill charge of $30 per tonne is proposed to cover the cost of the new Ministry for the Environment’s clean fill levy and related costs at Mount Cooee.
• An increase to charges for building and resource consent fees is proposed to meet the costs of providing these services.
• Cemetery operational costs have increased while the number of burials have decreased, so an increased fee is proposed.
• An increase is proposed for some alcohol licensing fees (Class 2 and 3 special licences) – it is proposed these will be brought in line with Sale and Supply of Alcohol Regulations.
The Annual Plan update document, supporting information, proposed fees and charges and an online feedback form can be found on Council’s website, or people can visit any of Clutha’s Community Libraries.
Feedback is open until 1 May 2023. Council will consider feedback at a public meeting on 18 May 2023. It is expected that Council will adopt the final Annual Plan 2023/24 and Fees and Charges on 15 June 2023. Any changes will take effect from 1 July 2023.
No changes to water reimbursement claim process
Councillors reviewed the process for reimbursement claims when there are water quality or quantity issues with water schemes.
The Water Services Bylaw states that at times council may be unable to maintain a constant flow at all times and does not accept liability for supply issues.
Councillors decided to continue with the current process, rural water scheme customers may be reimbursed if it is agreed in advance, and approved by the water scheme chairperson.
Generally there is no reimbursement for urban customers, except in exceptional circumstances where approved in advance by senior Council management.
The review was raised as Council had received a variety of requests for reimbursements.
In recent months Council’s water schemes have experienced an increase in water issues, including outages and boil water notices, with some issues ongoing.
This is not the level of service council aims for and investigation into improvements are underway, with millions budgeted for this work.
In some instances, council may supply a water tanker for a township when it is affected by water issues.
Council to loan guarantee for Clutha Community Hub
Council will provide a loan guarantee to the Clutha Community Hub to provide certainty and allow civil/landscaping work to continue to progress.
Council has agreed to act as guarantor for the Trust as it continues to seek third party funding to support $275,000 of landscaping costs.
A drawdown of the guarantee may not be required, but if it was it would be by way of a loan.
The item was discussed in the Public Excluded part of the Council Meeting to protect the private tendering process of the Clutha Community Hub Trust however Council agreed the outcome would be made public.