Welcome to the Clutha District Council's online newsletter. It's distributed after council meetings and aims to keep our ratepayers and residents more informed about the decisions that were made during the meeting and any other timely information. If you haven't already subscribed, it's easy to sign up via our online newsletters webpage.
Feedback Deadline Fast Approaching
Just a reminder to everyone that feedback on the community plan called Our Place: Balclutha closes on Monday, 27 February 2017, so make sure you have your say. That's also the deadline for submissions on Balclutha's Draft Reserve Management Plan, the District Zoning Review and the Outstanding Natural Landscapes Review. All the information, along with links and easy online feedback forms, can be found on the consultation page of our website.
Extension of Time for RMPs
At the 23 February Council meeting, it was agreed to extend the timeframe for consulting on the Waihola and Milton Reserve Management Plans (RMPs). Note, the consultation for the Balclutha Reserve Management Plan closes on 27 February. The deadline for submissions is now 2 June 2017. These plans cover a 10-year period and help identify the issues, barriers and opportunities for the successful management of our green spaces. Currently each reserve had its own management plan (which can be viewed on here) however, these Draft Reserve Management plans allow for the reserves in each area to be managed collectively. Check out the details and make an online submission via the consultations page on Council's website.
Digital Declaration Adopted
Council adopted a 'Digital by Default Declaration' that commits us to being proactive about improving our services by using digital technology - a move that is considered best practice within local government. Technology is critical in enabling us to meet and keep pace with the ever evolving digital needs of our communities. However, the declaration also recognises that not all members of our communities can access digital services equally and consideration will be given to their needs.
Former Lawrence Pool
A budget of $25,000+GST was approved by Council to demolish and dispose of the buildings, cladding and hard-filling of the former Lawrence Swimming Pool. This follows a project plan presented by the Lawrence Cultural & Charitable Trust to the Lawrence-Tuapeka Community Board in December last year. The money will come from the Lawrence Swimming Pool Reserve Funds. However, a final agreement and arrangements such as on-going operating costs will need to be reached by the Community Board and the Trust before any commitment is made to spend the $25,000. What Council's approval of this budget does is provide some certainty to the Community Board, allowing them to engage with the Trust and get the project underway once an agreement is finalised.
Otago Triennial Agreement
Clutha District Council has again signed up to be part of the Otago Triennial Agreement. Local Government legislation requires all local authorities within a region, such as Otago, to enter into an agreement outlining protocols for communication and coordination between them. This latest agreement will be in force until the 2019 election.
Risk Management Framework
Council agreed to adopt a Risk Management Framework. This applies to significant risks such as business continuity in the event of a disaster, right down to managing everyday operational risks. The aim is to find the right balance between risk and control so that the business can continue to operate effectively.
Additional Resources
Council agreed to fund some additional staffing resources for a fixed 12-month period so the organisation can complete a series of projects in as short a time as possible. These projects will have a direct and positive impact on customers' dealings with the Council, our levels of service and efficiency. This is the motivation for finishing them sooner rather than later. The funding will come from General Reserves, meaning there will no direct impact on rates.
Easter Trading Policy
On 9 February Council adopted an Easter Sunday Trading Policy. The purpose of this policy is to allow shops to open on Easter Sunday, supporting the needs of the retail and tourism sectors, supporting Council's strategic economic goals and applying a consistent approach to trading on Easter Sunday within the Clutha District. Anyone interested can check out the policy on our website.
Recognition for Lawrence
Lastly, Council noted its congratulations to Lawrence, which was a finalist in the Mitre 10 New Zealand Community of the Year Awards in recognition of the community's efforts to fundraise for their new aquatic centre.
Welcome to New Citizens
A citizenship ceremony was held during the meeting. Pictured here with Mayor Bryan Cadogan are back row from left, Bernardus Bruwer and Michael Foley. Front row Luzviminda McCone, Gabriel Laconsay and Amerul Begum.