Voting now open
Voting is now open for local elections. Enrolled voters will receive voting packs in the post, and all papers are expected to be delivered by Wednesday 21 September.
If people don’t receive voting papers, they can make a special vote at Council offices.
Papers can be posted or dropped into ballot boxes at community libraries and council’s Rosebank office.
To be counted, all completed voting papers must be received by the council before midday on Election Day, Saturday 8 October 2022.
Visit the council website for more information –
Decision made on Vehicles on Beaches Bylaw
A Vehicles on Beaches Bylaw has been adopted and will take effect from 1 January 2023.
Council considered five options, deciding to adopt a bylaw with the following rules:
• People driving on beaches are required to do so in a way that does not threaten the safety of people, plants or native animals.
• Vehicles are not allowed on sand dunes, except to access the beach.
• Vehicles are not allowed to drive along the beach above the high-water mark, except in emergencies.
Clutha District Council will work with stakeholders and may use education programmes and signs to raise awareness of these rules.
The adopted bylaw does not include any vehicle prohibited areas (safe zones). However, it allows for safe zones to be created by Council resolution following appropriate monitoring and consultation. Monitoring may include effectiveness of existing bylaw provisions and the impacts of vehicles on human safety, wildlife and ecosystems.
The bylaw was proposed to address two main issues: the effect of vehicles on public safety and enjoyment of beaches, and adverse effects to the environmental values of the coast.
Our Place West Otago
Our Place West Otago
Council will move ahead with the priority projects in West Otago that support Council’s work to make Clutha a great place to live, work and play, following adoption of the Our Place West Otago Community Plan.
Adoption of the plan follows extensive public consultation and the involvement of the West Otago Community Board.
Priority projects identified are:
• Enabling residential development in Tapanui and West Otago.
• Community facilities in West Otago are fit for purpose and well used by residents and visitors.
• Improvements and maintenance at the Whiskey and Black Gully Reserves.
• Creating walking and cycling connections to local destinations and to existing trail networks.
• Tapanui and Heriot main street improvements.
• Providing opportunities to work and train in West Otago.
Kaitangata-Matau Reserve Management Plan
The Kaitangata-Matau Reserve Management Plan has been adopted by Council.
Clutha District Council is responsible for 12 reserves in the Kaitangata-Matau Ward. They fulfil a variety of purposes, including children’s playgrounds, recreation areas and community amenities. The plan will guide day to day management and longer-term decision making on these reserves, and seeks to protect and enhance these areas for the local community and visitors.
The community was consulted on the proposed plan and it incorporates feedback from submitters.
Some changes have been proposed for these reserves, including:
KAITANGATA RECREATION RESERVE – Council currently has no major developments planned for this reserve. However, a community-based proposal has been put forward for improvements over time, to eventually provide for a motocross track, ‘Burn-out’ pad and stock car track. The recreational use of motorbikes and cars is an activity provided for at this reserve, although lease conditions or resource consents may be required before this activity could occur.
KAITANGATA WAR MEMORIAL RESERVE - Council’s intention is to improve this area, so that it becomes a key public space in central Kaitangata. A concept plan has been developed for this reserve which include an open space for community gatherings, a children’s play area, incorporating the existing train, a passive rest/contemplative area, heritage/cultural elements, and connections to the wider community. This project is well underway and is being led by Kaitangata and District Promotions.
WATER STREET RESERVE – NORTH - The ‘Our Place’ Community Plan includes a project to provide public toilets in this area. Kaitangata Promotions have also indicated they would like to develop angle parking on Water Street, alongside this reserve. This project is currently being investigated by Council.
WANGALOA RECREATION RESERVE - Some improvements to the public section of the Wangaloa Domain were proposed through the ‘Our Place’ Kaitangata consultation process. These include: facilities to enable self-contained vehicles to camp overnight, improved beach access, bollards to protect the reserve from vehicle damage. Although any development on the public reserve area will be Council-led, it would also require significant input and support from the local community.
Water treatment plant monitoring upgrades
Monitoring equipment at water treatment plants across the district will be upgraded to comply with new drinking water standards.
From 14 November, additional quality monitoring will be required at Clutha’s water treatment plants, with new equipment to be installed at Balclutha, Clydevale, Glenkenich, Kaitangata, Milton, Lawrence, Moa Flat, North Bruce, Richardson North, Richardson South, Stirling and Tapanui.
A new UV reactor will also be installed at the Tapanui and Puerua Water Treatment Plants.
Welcome new citizens
Nine Clutha residents became new New Zealanders last week, at a citizenship ceremony at Council. The new citizens originally hailed from the United Kingdom, South Africa and Jamaica.
The new citizens are among the first in New Zealand to swear allegiance to King Charles III.