Mains -> laterals to boundary -> boundary to house -> decommission septic tank -> connect! Put simply, wastewater mains are being laid in the road and then lateral pipes from that main to the boundary will follow. Private property laterals are from the boundary to the resident's house and these will begin happening in Spring. Building Consent Process A building consent is required for the lateral pipe and decommissioning of the septic tank on each property. * The project team is currently working through getting building consent documents for all Stage 1 properties that require a building consent. * These will be submitted gradually to Council's building and planning teams for issuing consent. * As individual consents are issued then work may commence on the property. (A timeline is currently being worked on). * The building consent fee cost is covered by Council. Septic tank decommissioning * Lateral pipes will be laid with a stopper at one end. * Mid-2022 contractors will return to decommission a property's septic tank and connect the lateral pipe to working standard. * Decommissioning of the septic tank entails them being emptied, disinfected, punctured and backfilled with clean fill. * As-built plans are then provided to the Building team so Code of Compliance can be issued. Any questions regarding this process can be addressed to Laura McLellan at